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The loss of biodiversity has also affected the human microbiome. Our body is composed of a wide diversity of bacteria that resides in different environments of our body, mainly in the gut. About 100 trillion of symbiotic bacteria in the gut (altogether called microbiota) plays an important role in human health. Biodiversity in species of the microbiota and a proper balance are crucial for maintaining a functional environment to coexist in our body. However, loss of this biodiversity can occur and currently it is becoming a matter of issue. Our lifestyle is quickly reducing the variety of microbial species living with us and this loss of biodiversity has a direct impact on our health. This phenomenon is called Loss of microbiota diversity (LOMD). It might not be well known to a wider audience that bacteria are not only the cause of disease but also fundamental to human life and health. 

There is growing evidence that dysbiosis, or a disruption of the balance of the microbial population of the gut, is associated with pathogenesis, and that many elements of our industrialized modern lifestyles can trigger this unbalance related to a great number of diseases such as allergies, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Chrone’s disease. Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, depression, and others. 

Rebiosis explores and presents the effects of lifestyle choices in our microbial biodiversity, beyond a moralizing anthropocentric approach to “good and bad bacteria” it addresses the issue of increasing dysbiosis in two levels. First, as a form of science literacy for society, about the ways to defend their (microbiota) health and second as an aesthetic speculative exploration of forms of data visualization, materialization, and experience of the role of microorganisms and the very tangible risk of the loss of microbiodiversity. 


Disappearance of the Human Microbiota: How We May Be Losing Our Oldest Allies

Loss of microbial gut diversity a threat to health?

Loss of microbial diversity and pathogen domination of the gut microbiota in critically ill patients

Personalized Gut Mucosal Colonization Resistance to Empiric Probiotics Is Associated with Unique Host and Microbiome Features

Gut Microbiota Diversity and Human Diseases: Should We Reintroduce Key Predators in Our Ecosystem?

Understanding the Interactions and Symbiosis between the Microbiome and the Host Organism, Leading to an Understanding of the Mechanisms of Disease Onset.